What Is In Your Closet?

The alarm clock has went off for the third time and you finally open one eye and realize you are running late. You immediately jump up and run to the shower and think of what you will wear to work. You head to your closet and instantly get discouraged.

Being a Role Model is a challenge sometimes and at that very moment you realize that you need order in your life. You find one shoe but can't find the other, you search for your belt and can't find it. I remember seeing the diva of all diva's Mariah Carey showcasing her closet on MTV Cribs and my mouth dropped.

Organization is important to every Legend Icon or Role Model simply because you do not have the time to look under a bed for a shoe nor in the back of the closet for that tailored shirt. If only you had an organized closet that you could easily go to and select your piece of the day.

Let's take a look at some amazing closets and see what all the fuss is about in the area of organizational closet systems.

Many of these closet systems can be implemented to fit your style and you can go to your local Lowes or Home Depot for more minimal systems.




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