Meet Calysta Jeffries - Role Model Maybe?

Here at Legends Icons and Role Models, we are always looking for that character that will inspire us to be entertained. From the school house to the White house we know that there is inspiration from all over.

Today, we have the fabulous Calysta Jefferies, the central character from the upcoming novel "Secrets of A Soap Opera Diva". She is one who pulls the viewer into the screen and also drops nuggets of winning wisdom from the soap world. She even has released a new single entitled "Stink of Blood With a Pinesol Chasah" and it is quickly selling units.

Check out this hilarious clip from her honest and forthcoming interview with Michael Fairman and you will see her drive as well as her "SOAP STARE"

Calysta Jeffries Interview- The Rich and the Ruthless from Michael Fairman on Vimeo.

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