Sir Miles Davis- ICONIC

The video of the day comes from a Icon whose presence was one that absolutely impressed you and caused you to look deep into the gift that he possessed. I don't think there is one person on the face of the earth who has not heard of  Sir. Miles Davis.

In my teens I began to embrace his music and often found myself turning on the radio and putting on some headphones and going to town. Imagine those headphones on your ears, you close your eyes and these melodic yet haunting notes cascade out of nowhere.

Mr. Davis had a way of making you feel the music but yet he would leave you wanting to listen over and over again.  I find it fascinating that Sir Davis could often give the musicians a certain look and they would get in line and play the notes correctly.

Check out some of his Iconic performances as well as his honest yet humorous takes on music.

There is nobody like Sir. Miles Davis!!!!

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