Fat Albert - Legendary Animated Character

Being a young tyke, I was always excited for Friday night to come due to the fact that I could always depend on my Saturday morning cartoons to balance out my weekend. From the frosted flakes for breakfast, my superman pajamas and remote control in my hand, I was ready for my cartoons.

There was one in particular that really brought a smile to my face and it always delivered. Fat Albert was the show and although it was set in a junkyard, you could learn tons from the shenanigans of the gang. It always provided laughs, life's lessons as well as constant bickering from the characters.

What I loved about Fat Albert and the gang was the unity and respect that they had for one another. In my younger days, I would actually try and implement what I learned from each show. And who couldn't love that theme song, it was full of African American characters who had substance even then.

Fat Albert is a Legendary cartoon character who allowed this young African American man to dream big dreams and learn the meaning of being educated thru the media.

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