LIRM Lookback ~ My Grandmother's Love for Brenda Dickson

LIRM strives to cater to all walks of life as well as giving quality stories that touch each reader. We often are emailed with various leads on what stories we should posts and some make it and some don't. One of my favorite posts to share with our leaders is that of my memories of my grandmother. Not only was she a superwoman who raised a family and served in her community but she loved her daytime soaps.

The entire family knew not to bother her when her "Stories" came on and you never challenged that statement. You had a clear and precise decision to make when you chose to be in her sitting room. You either sat down and watched with her or you hightailed it to the next available television.

One of her FAVORITE actresses was none other than the talented Brenda Dickson who played the popular Jill Foster Abbott on the long running soap The Young and The Restless. Anyone who is an avid daytime fan will tell you that Brenda held it down for years on  Y&R.

She chewed up each and every scene with smooth, calculating talent and always had this blogger's grandmother wanting more. Check out just a few intense scenes with this talented actress and see what we mean. She is definitely missed today.

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