LIRM Lookback Video ~ Dame Aretha Franklin "Rock Steady Live" FUNKY

As I post this story I have to thank my older uncles who in a way were put on earth to teach me many things. My mom is the oldest of a broad of seven children and my youngest uncle whom I am named after is only 11 years older than me.

More family traits after the jump

Being that I spent many summers and spring breaks with my uncles, I was introduced to various forms of music. One of my uncles could be listening to the Beatles, another to Sylvester and another one with his head in the books.

One of my favorite uncles who has since passed away would play Dame Aretha Franklin all the day long. One of his favorite songs was that of Rock Steady. Check out this vintage video of the Queen doing what she does best. - Check out the Threads!!!!

Good Stuff!!!!

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