New Video - Once Again Beyonce Reinvents Herself

Growing up my grandmother would often tell me that I had "It" and many would witness it one day. I often would shrug my shoulders and say ok but now I see it more and more.  Anyone who knows me will tell you that I believe that Beyonce Knowles Carter is by far one of those artist who is in it to win it and also possesses that "It".

She has that certain quality that many artists only wish they were born with.  She has a way of giving you so much of herself with tons of videos, appearances and then when you think it is enough, she takes a quick break and comes back with a vengeance.

Check out her newest video "Why Don't You Love Me?" which gives you a throwback to the 50's, 60's and 70's fashions ala a slight Diana Ross and the Supreme's vibe as well. The song was co written by her equally talented sister Solange and it is a jamming one.

"Why Don't You Love Me" - Beyoncé from Beyoncé on Vimeo.

Say What You Will But She keeps reinventing herself! 

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