Helen Baylor ~ Gospel Royalty

Tonight is proving to be quite an impressive one and we are still churning out good news. Being that LIRM is a well balanced site, this blogger had to share a lookback video from someone who I love more than any gospel artist out today.

I can still remember embracing my faith and embracing a more peaceful life as I was growing up and the amazing Helen Baylor had a major role in it all. This amazing singer started out singing alongside artists such as Chaka Khan, B.B. King and many more.

After years of drug abuse, tumultuous times and much more, Helen embraced her faith and ministered to the masses with hits such as Sea of Forgetfulness, Highly Recommended and this blogger's personal favorite - Sold Out.

Helen is yet performing and living in Vegas with her family and gearing up for a new project and movie. Check out a live performance for this gospel legend.


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