LIRM Lookback ~ Still Loving Beverly Crowder "You Came Along"

It is fairly late in the evening and as I peruse my online sites, I stumbled on to a gem of a song that I had to share with our readers.

More stumbling sounds after the jump

I can still remember the strong and robust vocals of none other than Ms. Beverly Crowder when she released her hit You Came Along via Elektra Records. It is still not known why no one ever helped this talented singer reach her spot in the area of being a real singer but LIRM is showing her off tonight.

From what we hear she is still singing and  performing all over the country, being a wife and this blogger has been searching high and low for her and I have a feeling that we haven't seen the last of her.

Check out a few videos of Ms. Crowder and see what the world is missing. 

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