LIRM Movie Moment ~ Anne Bancroft & Sissy Spacek "Night Mother"

Anyone who supports LIRM will tell you that my posts are daily laced with childhood memories. These memories have become my muse and more.

I can still remember enjoying my yearly summer break in Houston, Texas, where I could often be found getting up at the precise time of noon. While attending school in Louisiana, my mother ran a tight ship which included lights out at a certain time.

My days and nights in Houston were the place to be with my grandparents allowing me to stay up late, cook various dishes and spending my nights staying up throughout the evening. On one particular night that I stayed up late, I found a gem of a film in the form of Night Mother.

This masterpiece of a film starring the late Anne Bancroft and Sissy Spacek deals with tender, unique and thought provoking subjects including suicide and the lasting ramifications. The intensity from Bancroft and Spacek is phenomenal as each character is burdened with encouraging change and denial in every scene.

Check out the entire film and see why this movie though a bit dark is truly a four star masterpiece.

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