LIRM Lifestyle Spot ~ Everybody Needs A Bath
There is nothing like looking at the time clock and knowing that you have thirty more minutes to go before you clock out. You grab you keys, coats and change from lunch and out the door you go. My employees will tell you that once the hour has winded down, I am starting up my ride and to the interstate I go.
Many get off work and have a list of things to take on including picking up the kids from daycare, getting dinner on the table as well as preparing for the next day. Can you imagine everyone in the house calling on you to bring them this or answering a hard mathematical questions and all you want is a nice bath?
I am one who lives for a steaming shower to wash all my worries away but sometimes one needs a good bathtub experience. I can still remember a season when we had a beautiful old fashioned apartment complete with high ceilings, glass paned doors, cozy breakfast area and a bear claw tub.
It didn't matter what the temperature was on the outside during intense winters, the tub would be full of hot water and the steam would comfort you as soaked and settled in. As I grew up and we moved on to other locations I only cared about one thing as we viewed our new digs, what was the bathtub looking like.
Some tubs consisted of hard surfaces which added a bit of discomfort if you catch the drift but there were other times that brought this blogger pure joy and I had to partake in the festivities of our super cool bathtub. I can still remember the day that my grandparents purchased their second home in Houston and it was an amazing place to say the least.
The high ceilings and modern kitchen amenities were just a few of my favorite selections in their home. I remember my grandmother showing me their remote bedroom complete with a walk in closet that was super cool. To open the door to the bathroom and see their modern shower left little to be desired for this lover of modern bathtubs.
Upon my sadness of thinking that this was it, one can only imagine the joy of realizing that I had my own personal bathroom complete with a cool bathtub. Check out some of these modern bathtubs and see if you won't agree that everybody needs a bath from time to time.
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