LIRM Lifestyle Spot ~ Remembering My Front Door

Daily I wake and prepare myself for what is ahead and I must say many things inspire me. From the latest kicks for my feet to the hottest music out, I am always inspired to blog about it all.  Today started out like a regular day and before I knew it - I was once again Inspired.

More inspiration after the jump

As I prepared to leave out and head to my day job, I closed my front door and turned the key to lock it all down. Once that door closed I was hit with my next Lifestyle Post. Growing up in Houston, my grandparents were what some would call "Well Off" and I must admit that they were super blessed. 

Now please don't get it twisted, even though my grandparents were blessed aka well off, they never gave off the vibe that they made it. One of my favorite spots in our home was the front door and it was super nice.

I clearly remember spending my summers in Houston and just being amazed at the various homes that we stayed in. To see them start out in a modest house and end up living in a pretty nice crib was the icing on the cake in my eyes.

Throughout our neighborhood on a clear day you could experience a nice walk around the culdesac and see various forms and types of front doors. From the young corporate couple juggling major careers, baby boomers and those who were on the verge of retirement, there was always a door to remember.

I can still remember that we had an entry way that also served as a huge peephole to see who was ringing our doorbell at unwanted times of the day. Being that we are southerners I knew the rule, "Don"t Open that Door for Nobody" and you better believe that I obliged and obeyed.

Check out some amazing selections of Front Doors or what my late grandmother would call "My Door". I miss both of them terribly but my memories are deep and warm.


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