LIRM Lifestyle Post ~ We Have LOVE for the Foyer

There is nothing like receiving an invite from an associate/friend to come over and enjoy a nice dinner and conversation. In a time where everyone is on the go and limited on time restraints, it is always a great feeling to hang out.

More hanging out info after the click of the link

One of my favorite things to experience is when I arrive and am greeted at the front door. I must admit as much as I am grateful to be invited, I find myself looking around for a foyer entrance. I know what you are gonna say, "Darian, everyone does not have a foyer!" and my response will come later.

Right now, let's just imagine that you have purchased your dream spot and you are dedicated to decorating it and bringing your personal touch to the foyer. From various patterns, furniture and color pallets, you can do amazing and wonderful things within your spot.

Being an self retired furniture salesman, I can personally tell you that I have had the privilege of helping hundreds pick out the correct throw pillows, side tables and throw rugs that always set the pace and theme for the foyer.

I must admit that I have a slight fetish for a bomb foyer that invites you in and almost has you wanting to stay right there. It also should prepare you for the rest of the home and all that it encompasses. Now, back to that previous conversation regarding everyone not having a foyer. You would be surprised to learn that even in small apartment spaces, you can create a foyer space and do it on a budget.

Check out some of these amazing foyer selections that we hope give you inspiration to make small yet lasting impressions on your guests.

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