LIRM Flashback ~ We ALWAYS Danced to Ms. Miki Howard

I instantly smile as I type this post simply because person of whom I am blogging brought some good music into my world as a teenager.

More teenage smiles after the jump

My mother was a single mother of two and I was the oldest, so I had to take the lead and make a difference. My sister and myself were often at home alone and we would often find ourselves dancing on the hardwoods.

There is not a better feeling than to find yourself jamming to your parents music and not being ashamed. One of my mom's favorite singers is none other than the Amazing Ms. Miki Howard.  This artist held it down for the youngsters back in the day.

Check out one of her hits that me and my sister would find ourselves dancing, laughing and doing the cabbage patch. Check it out and see if you don't agree that Ms. Howard was the stuff!!!!!!

Miki Howard. Until You Come Back To Me.1989
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