LIRM Lookout ~ Tracie Spencer making a Comeback? PLEASE SAY YES!

Now just imagine a precocious teenage boy, eyes wide shut, hormones raging out of control and having his room plastered with posters of his teenage crush.  That young lad was none other than me and my love for the one and only Tracie Spencer still rings true today.

More crush grooving after the link

I must confess, I was in LOVE with me some Tracie Spencer back in the day and I mean IN LOVE.  Now don't get it twisted and please don't say I need help because I don't.

Well wouldn't you know there are rumblings and bumblings that Tracie has navigated a nice little career in Real Estate and is also gearing up to release a new project.

Check out some of these retro videos of my ex girlfriend in my head. Y'all know I am gonna be so ready to blog about her new project.

Tracie Spencer - Tender Kisses
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