Walking it Out Like A Role Model

If you are going to attach yourself to the words Legends, Icons and Role Models, one must be healthy and maintain a workout routine. In today's time we are all extremely busy and a workout is often phased out of the daily goals.

There is a way that is effortless and doesn't require much effort but the benefits are endless. Walking is one of the best ways of assisting in weight loss and is also consider exciting.

Walking is the most natural exercise a person can do and it can be incorporated into many activities people enjoy including golfing, shopping, bird watching or nature hikes. Whether power walking or going for a Sunday stroll, walking can build up your endurance a little attention is given to the distance and pace of the walk.

Intensity is very important when walking for weight loss or weight maintanence. Easy intensity walking burns four to six calories per minute relative to a person's body weight. Put more effort into an activity so that it's a hard intensity bumps the calorie burn to 12 to 15 per minutes.

Let's walk it out Folks!!!!

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