I am somebody – I am destined for Greatness!

Gradually, Tangie would work on her inner struggles and demons and would forge a better way for her precious daughters to see their mother as a Survivor. She eventually realized that she had a story to tell and set out to share it with the world. After months and timeless hours, “TIRED OF BEING PO” was completed and it served in detail, her struggles to remain upbeat and victorious amid poverty stricken circumstances.

I am beautiful in fact…
I am a queen, yeah that’s right a queen! The one you can’t beat on, spit on n kick anymore!
I am taking back my self worth and value (Consider me Priceless)
These are the words that Author Tangie Bell has taken to heart and used them to cause a flood of wisdom and knowledge to flourish in her life. Born and raised in Shreveport, Louisiana, Tangie knows the challenge that comes from living within a poverty stricken state.
These are the words that Author Tangie Bell has taken to heart and used them to cause a flood of wisdom and knowledge to flourish in her life. Born and raised in Shreveport, Louisiana, Tangie knows the challenge that comes from living within a poverty stricken state.
I remember being a kid and Tangie and myself growing up in the same church and neighborhoods. We would talk on the phone with other friends and laugh and cry together but none of us truly knew her plight in life. She would go on to take to the streets at the age of 18 and used her body to find emotional and financial fulfillment.
Tangie would go on to have three beautiful children and continue to grow in life but in late December 1997 things changed. “I remember sitting on my porch crying and saying, No one knows the troubles I have been thru and suicide was my next thought,” states Tangie.
She would continue to find herself in situations that tested and challenged her faith and theses situations proved to be the platform for which she would later find her freedom.
Tangie would go on to have three beautiful children and continue to grow in life but in late December 1997 things changed. “I remember sitting on my porch crying and saying, No one knows the troubles I have been thru and suicide was my next thought,” states Tangie.
She would continue to find herself in situations that tested and challenged her faith and theses situations proved to be the platform for which she would later find her freedom.
Now in her late twenties, she wanted to start a new life for herself and her three girls and realized that she had to start over. She found herself living at a residential development center for homeless families that required residents to work full time and also continue their education.
One night Tangie woke up from her sleep crying, shaking, and feeling used and abused. She ran outside to commit suicide with hopes to escape the years of poverty she has known all her life. However, she had an experience that many others would eventually read about.

Gradually, Tangie would work on her inner struggles and demons and would forge a better way for her precious daughters to see their mother as a Survivor. She eventually realized that she had a story to tell and set out to share it with the world. After months and timeless hours, “TIRED OF BEING PO” was completed and it served in detail, her struggles to remain upbeat and victorious amid poverty stricken circumstances.
She exclaims, “Tired of Being Po” is a story–turned workbook for those caught in a grip of poverty and government assistance who are looking for ways to begin a better future and break out of the poverty cycle. " The challenges and pressures of everyday life can be overwhelming, especially when you do not have enough to make ends meet.

Tangie would soon find true love with a gentleman who would bring a sense of love that she had never experienced. “Some people have asked me, How can I love a woman with such a Dirty past. I always tell them, love is absolutely everything. I have always believed in her and I know she will be a blessing to the world,” states her husband Rico.
Abundantly blessed more than ever, Bell has added business owner to her growing title. She recently opened her first full fledged salon “Royal Treatment Salon” and was recently honored to give makeover to Homeless women who were blessed to attend the Symphony for the very first time.
She often states, “I am not a celebrity but I do have something to say,”
Here at Legends, Icons and Role Models, we salute my friend for being an Overcomer as well as a Champion Role Model!!
Here at Legends, Icons and Role Models, we salute my friend for being an Overcomer as well as a Champion Role Model!!
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