LIR Book Selection - From Breakdown to Restoration

Having personally met the author of the book selection of the day, I can honestly say that I had no idea that he encountered the challenges he writes about. Bishop Paul Morton was born in Windsor in Ontario, Canada and moved to New Orleans in 1972. He later joined Greater St. Stephen as an associate pastor.

An accomplished musician and singer, Morton began with 647 members and has seen the membership grow to more than 20,000. The church now has three church locations, offering eight worship services per week, with five services on Sunday.

A pastor who does MUCH more than the regular pastor does, he attended a ministry trip to the Bahamas in early 1998 where he had a breakdown. The books chronicles his struggle, diagnosis and recovery and he is completely transparent within the pages. It is refreshing to see a public pastor give the world a glimpse into the challenges that come with the title. Check him out singing with his childhood friend, Aretha Franklin and the soul stirring selection "Seasons Change."

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