"Christy's Got Bank" Secrets and Lies "The Son" Recap

This week we see Ben trying to keep it together after putting Christy out like dino from The Flintstone's the night before Christmas because of more "secrets and lies that he has told as well as she herself.

Lets get into some key moments:

Ben and his lawyer, played to perfection by Timothy Busfield, are trying to piece together the night that Ben can't remember and its causing the wayward suspect more problems. The neighbors are giving Ben the cold shoulder because they are convinced that he killed poor Tom.

He goes to Jess and asks if she remembers anything about that night but before she can say anything? He questionable sister makes her get in the car?? Excuse me ma'am but we could have sworn that Jess is a grown woman who had an affair with her neighbors husband.

Christy and Ben are battling bad and this time around she is doing it with style and unusual boldness and at her brothers fancy home. Meanwhile his homebody Dave brings Ben a gift - wait for it - He unwraps a nice Xmas box containing a flashlight? Dave is not only a pest but something tells us he is in the running to perhaps be the killer of sweet innocent Tom.


Ben heads over to Christy's temporary home and demands to see his kids but Christy has turned cold towards him. As they are going at it out on the front lawn poor Abby - who just might be killer - and her sister - who just might be the killer - witness their parents in FULL verbal brawl. Abby is visibly shaken and is probably in need of a therapist before she kills again - whoops- we may be reaching a bit but you get the drift.

Via flashbacks we see Christy confront Ben about sleeping with Jess but what we couldn't figure out is how in the hell did Christy find out about the affair? Perhaps Dave snitched and told the wife and all hell broke loose? Maybe we are reaching for straws but something about Dave is sinister and its bound to come out.


Dave confesses to Ben that on the night that Tom died he was with Ben and he spiked his homeboys drink which turned everything bad. *Let that marinate people*

Check this out - So Dave confesses that he spiked his embattled friends drink because he told him that he was not a good friend to him??

*Photo Cred: ABC *

Once Ben was drugged/turnt up etc we see via more flashbacks that Ben was on one and was rude as hell to boot. Dude is going around the bar talking about how marriage is this and that and basically makes an complete ass of himself talking about his kids and his wife hating him. During that night we also witness him calling Jess to warn her that Christy knew about the affair - yada yada.

Once the flashback cease and desist Ben heads out into the alley and lets Dave, who is following swiftly behind him, that he has to retrace the rest of his steps from that night by himself. Poor Ben is dealing with missing his kids, remembering his fallen son, having to befriend a shady friend and now??? Deal with a child's tooth in his pocket too boot??

A tooth?????


Cornell is shocked to see Ben and his lawyer in her interrogation room where he brings the tooth as evidence along with recollection of the above mentioned night. Via flashbacks we see Ben coming home in a taxi the night of Tom's murder and he noticed Tom's trycicle in the driveway. Being the ever worrysome neighbor/daddy he goes over to the house and simply walks into Jess and Tom's home like he paying bills there.  He notices Tom watching him and he puts him in the bed and they dicuss Tom's tooth under his pillow etc.  Ben leaves and heads over to his house where he crashes on the couch as usual.

Ben confesses to Jess about the night he spoke with Tom about his tooth and he confesses that he left money under his pillow. She tells Ben that on that particular night Tom got to feel what it felt like to be his son.

Ben finds out that Christy is not only keeping secrets HERSELF but she's keeping money - LOTS OF IT  - from her husband so what does Ben do??? You guessed it  - Turns his house inside out to find information about his sneaky wife's money bag and wouldn't you know it? He finds something alright --

Christy got some explaining to do!!!!!!

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