"Ben Is Nosy As Hell" - Secrets and Lies "The Sister" Episode Recap
This weeks episode of Secrets and Lies lives up to the series title with Ben on double duty attempting to maintain his innocence as well as finding out who actually killed his sweet son Tom.
Let's get into it:
Ben is still trying to connect with his shady daughter Natalie after finding her things in Dave's room. Christy tries to get thru to Ben by letting him know that he should trust his friend since middle school.
Cornell's ass is still showing up at the family's front door but this time around she interrogate oops interviews Natalie concerning Tom's murder. Natalie confesses that she had one of the neighbors Vanessa watch Tom the night he died so she could go out to a dance/party. Ben heads over to Vanessa's house and asks her why would she do that?
Vanessa is having mental issues of her own and something tells us she is holding more secrets than she is letting on. Ben spots a teddy bear from Tom's shrine in her house and she confesses that she too lost a son but doesn't quite say how. Ben finds some pictures of Vanessa's son in a box and the child has massive bruises all over his body along with a child abuse report and it piques his interest.
Ben heads over to Vanessa's husband Joseph's practice to get his stitches from an altercation and snoop for more information. Vanessa's husband informs Ben that their son wasn't taken away from them in the way that he thought but he actually died. Ben is on a mission to find out who killed his young son but something tells us that he is going to be in for a shock once he finds out who actually killed him.
Ben is on the case this week and begins to uncover some serious secrets concerning Vanessa's dead son. He finds out that her husband Joseph was fired from his previous job because of sexual misconduct. He also finds out via Joseph's colleague that Joseph and Vanessa were living a foul lifestyle.
Ben and Cornell go at it at the police station regarding Vanessa and Joseph however the nosy detective is hell bent on pinning Tom's murder on Ben or at least this week -> Natalie. Cornell gives Ben a tip by telling him that Natalie wasn't where she said she was the day/night of Tom's murder and further tells him that Dave holds the clue.
Ben and Christy are invited over to Vanessa and Joseph's home for dinner and Ben finally says yes so he can snoop some more. It's taking all that is within him to not blow his stack about this twisted couple but he holds his composure at the table. Ben excuses himself to the upstairs restroom where you guessed it - He's is snooping -- AGAIN!!!
This dude is going thru Joseph's desk something wicked but he is caught by Joseph and things take a turn for the worse - as they should. Ben goes off on the sweet and perfect couple in front of their friends and totally embarrasses them by letting the entire house full of guest know that he knows that they killed Tom. Joseph throws snooping Ben's ass out and Christy is left with the I'm sorry speech.
Ben and Christy argue - in the rain - in the middle of the street - in front of the neighbors - on the way home. Real dramatic like!!! Vanessa arrives and gives the story about her dead son and confesses that her son was abused by the doctor who was treating him for a muscle disorder - not her and her husband. After all that confessing Ben STILL wants to know if they had anything to do with his son's murder. Ben's client, who is a reporter, finds out that not only did Joseph and Vanessa's son die in a weird way but that the couple is related?????? His client begins to blackmail Ben with the information and Ben hightails it over to the couples house but they aren't home.
This neighborhood is FULL of people who do nothing but lie!!!
Natalie comes down to the kitchen and drops a used pregnancy test on the kitchen counter which confirms that she not pregnant. Natalie is a rude kid who lets her parents know that she knows that her mother got pregnant at a young age and her dad has no room to talk.
Ben shuts the brat down by letting her know that he will be her father no matter what and he will continue to rescue, embarrass and love her all at the same time. Natalie confesses that Dave didn't sleep with her as we thought last week but he was there for her by listening to her problems. Ben begs Dave to forgive him and Dave concedes and things are back to normal or are they? Dave tells Ben that he has his back but Cornell is out to get him.
The episode ends with Cornell, who is standing across the street staring at Ben, berating Ben about running Vanessa and Joseph out of town. Cornell lets Ben know that she found a voicemail message for a woman named Sarah where he states that he is sorry for whatever he did.
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