2015 Apple Event Full Presentation - New iPhone 6s, Apple Pencil, Apple TV, iPad Pro Released.

Tech savvy individuals around the world are sure to be have pulled out their trusty laptops to see what Apple CEO Tim Cook had cooking *pun intended* today as he took the stage in Cupertino, California.

The 2015 Apple Event was held today and was chocked full of massive information for Apple lovers and items introduced:

Apple Watch 
OS2 available September 16 and partners with Hermes for Custom Bands.

Apple iPad Pro 
Buy An iPad and get new Apple TV Free 

Apple TV 

Better processing, bluetooth remote and more. Launches October for $149 - 32 Gigs/$399 - 64 gigs. Siri is integrated and the top cover is made of glass. The remote can last up to 3 months before needing a full charge.

Apple Pencil 
Trendsetting accessory for Apple iPad Pro - Cost is $100.

Apple iPhone

The new phones come in various colors including the ever popular Rose Gold which is a hit with the fashionable ladies and men. You can also have animated images aka Gif's aka LIVE photos which can be used as screensavers. Also includes 12 megapixels camera shots and amazing auto focusing.

Oh and for those Android users who switch to Apple? You can now move your photos over to Apple effortlessly.

6S - $199

6S Plus - $299

The phones, available September 25, 2015,  also have unique charging docks that are stylish as well as silicon covers. The company also has released the iPhone upgrade program which allows the customer to change phones yearly for $32 monthly.

Check out the full presentation ----->>> Here 

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