How to Get Away With Murder
Viola Davis
HTGAWM - Annalise Confronts Sam & Loses Her Wig - RECAP -
Tonight's episode featured talented actress Elizabeth Perkins as, Marren, a somewhat ticky ticky boom type of boss who is accused of insider trading amongst other things. Let's just go ahead and put it out there - Merrin don't give a damn- but she seems to have a pure heart.
I mean she helped out her loyal employee/assistant who eventually would sell her out and also sell out his future by ever so gently *side eye* falling out of a window so many stories up we couldn't count. Marren would go on to be acquitted and the proper employees would be convicted and during a key scene she tells Annalise that she knows everything about her but nothing about Annalise. - CLUE!!
ANNALISE YOU AIN'T SAVED LIKE YOU SAY YOU IS: We actually think that Annalise has a VERY colored past that may or may not include an illegitimate child, cheating in college, affairs of the heart, prostitution? Yes? No? Maybe? The lady may have been a tramp in her past life, no judgements, just an observation.
NATE? GO HOME TO YA WIFE SON: We also saw Annalise's side piece - Nate, attempting to break into Annalise or Sam's car? That scene kind of confused the viewers but we all know you can't ignore even the slightest twang from this show. Nate eventually lied and said he saw a light on in the car and yada yada yada - Bye Nate.
BONNIE IS ON HER NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH JAWN: Bonnie Winterbottom, dear God what a name fit for a porn star, who is outside watching the Keating's home at least on two occasions. We are just gonna put it out there and say it, Bonnie and Sam seemed to have Shabonked at one point or another. This lady is an ice queen who seems to want Annalise's life and she is pulling many a string to take it over.
Winterbottom?? Phewww
Anyhow, as Annalise was dealing with Marren's mess - pune intended people- her students were dealing with various kerfuffle's that would test even the most calmest person on earth. For example:
CONNOR JUST DON'T GIVE A DAMN: Connor - Dude is a tool who will use his manly wiles to sleep with any man on the planet to get what he wants. He seems to be falling for his trusty boyfriend, who's name escapes me, all the while having a steamy albeit freaky sex session in the copy room of Merrin's office. We are also treated to the trusty flashbacks - some people are pissed but it's worth it - of Connor's meltdown as they chop *woah* up *gross* Sam Keating's remains. He eventually turns to his trusty boyfriend and has a massive meltdown *drugs?* about taking things too far. Eventually his boyfriend finds out about the tryst with the guy who jumped out the window and kicks Connor to the curb.
MICHAELA WANNA BE OPRAH SO BAD: Michaela - Listen up people, this girl is off her rocker, Ion care what y'all say. She never can seem to find the right info for a case, always crying in a corner and looking for that pesky ring which we believe is a clue in some facet. This episode she once again has a hissy fit because she can't be number one. PULL IT TOGETHER LADY!! She is putting on people, we are telling you, this lady has a lot of secrets and I'm sure they are ready to pop.
ASHER IS PLAYING US LIKE A BARRY MANILOW PLATINUM SINGLE: As we have stated before, DO NOT deny Asher's ability to be more sinister than he appears to be. Sure he clocks wacky on liners, always has a sly remark about race and always seems to just be the guy who is taking up space. Make NO mistake Asher knocked on that door during the flashback to the night of Sam's murder and he was persistent but it seemed off. Something tells us Asher was playing around and had already perhaps been there with Sam maybe? Something in the college ain't clean y'all.
LAUREL'S BLANK STARE IS EPIC: She and Frank should just get a room already. It is evident that there is something there even though her potential boo thang showed up and pissed Frank off. *Side note* Frank is always in his feelings, he is gonna have to man up or at least have a huge tantrum to let us know he is in the mix.
WES NEEDS HIS OWN T MOBILE PLAN: This Dude???? Wes and Rebecca's long standing glances take up like 4 mins of air time it seems and that is OK. However something tells us that Rebbecca, who eventually got off for the murder of Lila, is gonna turn Wes out and before she knows it? Wes is gonna play her like a piece of jewelry in Annalise's bedroom. How do we know? Check it - he asks Rebbecca what was on Lila's cell phone and after them crazy glances from each other for what seemed like eternity the next scene shows Annalise holding the phone.
ANNALISE PUT THE WIG PROPHETS TO SHAME: Which brings us to the moment saw around the world. The last five minutes of any Shondaland show always involves a massive cliffhanger and tonight they took it there. Annalise is shown at her vanity mirror and she takes off all accessories and we aren't just whistling Dixie - EVERYTHING.
Jewels - Check
Wig - Check
Makeup - Check
Stern Face - Check
She is PURE, bare and raw and the last words she utters to her husband? Why is Your Penis on a Dead Girls Phone? Yoooooo, Sam had THE GAS FACE!!!!!
So here is some homework for us for next weeks show:
1. Is Sam guilty or is someone setting him up to look guilty?
2. Is Wes truly out for Rebbecca or himself?
3. Will anyone ever find out that Wes lied about the coin toss?
4. Why did they chop up Sam's body?
End Scene
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