Don't fret, we are not impressed with the dead body count but it is clearly innovative to say the least. Anyhow, this particular episode we were introduced to the case of the weird science teacher, Mr. Messener, who eventually went up in flames. This hot -Pun intended- teacher is seen running down the halls of the school like a fired cheerleader and what they eventually find out is that he was murdered. Listen, if we saw our beloved teacher running down the hall on fire? We out!!! School is changed - HOME SCHOOL PEOPLE!!
We are talking FLAMES - hot, fast and deadly - once the CSI guys hit the scene things went sour fast. They encounter a couple of perfectly looking teenagers and school staff, you know the kind that look like they can do no wrong but you know that's a lie, who also are harboring secrets. Well let us tell you this one thing - EVERY character is holding secrets and there are massive twists and turns.
So lets analyze shall we:
THE DEVIL IS BUSY: Mr. Messener, Tammy Faye kinfolk?, was a part of a group albeit a strange group of how shall we say - Devil Worshippers? He was actually kicked out of the this crazy group of fools for talking to too many people and there you have it - FIRED!! All pun intended. He was also selling drugs or shall we say, Steroids, to the sports jocks to support this crazy lifestyle he was a part of and judging from what teachers make these days - Can you blame him? YES!! Dude, find another hobby - Make homemade soaps, soups - Something!! Sheesh
THE LAS VEGAS SCHOOL SYSTEM NEEDS A HEALING: The school employees are living foul y'all. We are talking all the way down to the janitor, who had the MOST TIDIEST supply closet in the history of cleaning supplies heaven. The janitor was also the bully of the devil worshipping group and with his hairstyle? He was TOTALLY out of line and in the wrong line of business!!!
Rebbecca Brewer is a teacher who also had a son, Mason -who also the perfect Justin Bieber haircut, that also went to the school and was actually videotaping the very moment of the Mr. Messener running for his life. In comes school principal Mrs. Meadows who was HEELARIOUS as the perky and perfect leader who was actually having a few sessions with one of the jocks, Turk, who eventually would become a victim as well. Ole girl Mrs. Meadows was ticky ticky boom!!!
SOMEBODY HAS BEEN SHOPPING AT POTTERY BARN: Thru flashbacks we see that the group would get together and have sessions. You know, sessions where they participate in casting spells and lets just be clear - there were no lights, no cable tv nor any snacks? NOPE!! It ain't worth it!!!
IS IT PROGRESS REPORT TIME?: Turk eventually is murdered at the local pool and someone drains a bit of his blood from his body. *Insert WTF Moment* Somebody likes playing with blood and fire people. Turk was banging the ticky ricky boom principal and she states that she wishes she could cast a spell to bring him back. *Sigh* Mrs. Principal lady with the cute dress on was the breakout star!!!! Student Hannah eventually confesses that Turk attacked and violated her and she had been receiving therapy so she was no longer a suspect.
KRYSTLE CARRINGTON LIVES ON: So we find that Morgan is suffering from cancer and his mom, Mrs. Brewer, with the modernized hairstyle of Dynasty's Krystyle Carrington, is desperate to save her child by any means necessary. She also being a part of the wican group believed that a spell had to be made to sacrifice one to save another and she killed two guys to save one child who eventually would become homeless.
Who is gonna do her hair for the next 20 years?
So here is some homework for us for next weeks show:
1. Will D.B. ever catch the evil twins Jared & Paul or will they forever be on the run?
2. Who will and won't survive the shooter on next week's episode?
3. Do you think Julie & David make a great potential couple?
Until next Sunday!!!
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