Quincy Jones & Company ~ " The Secret Garden" LIVE

Boy Oh Boy!! Those are just a few words that come to mind when I think back on my teen years. I mean, who doesn't remember the formative years when you found out things about love or should I say "Young Love" and how it all made you feel.

This blogger remembers being on the phone at night and hoping my mother, who ran a tight ship and who would have grounded me for years, would not catch me up past my bedtime. Quiet as kept I was always under the covers whispering on the line with someone special and whenever the super smooth The Secret Garden hit the speakers, I knew my voice would go deep just like Sir Barry White and company.

Enough about my personal business, check out this live performance that includes: James Ingram, Sir Barry White, El Debarge, Al B. Sure and most importantly produced by Sir Quincy Jones and see why it was important that I had this jawn on repeat on my stereo system.


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