Nadin Khoury ~ Tackles Bullies and Wins

There are certain things in life that touch you to the core and there are things that touch your soul. From the birth of a new child, a wedding proposal and the most important day in a brides life, the wedding day, there are some things that simply shake you to realize your blessings.

Today was that day for this blogger as I watched Nadin Khoury show the world how being fearless pays off in a major way. Nadin was the victim of cruel and unjust punishment in the form of school bullies. Not only did he allow the world to see the shame he experienced on that fateful day but he decided to do what this blogger always says do, he fought back.

Please note that although he physically attempted to fight back but was yet overpowered by a horrible group of guys, this didn't stop him for going that extra mile. He pushed for and received vindication as he reported the individuals to the police and they were later arrested.

Check out this emotional clip courtesy of The View as Nadin and his family were rewarded with some pretty positive recognition on a national level.

Check out the story here NY Daily News - Nadin Khoury

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