One on One with Queen Ella Gibson - Great Talent
LIRM has connected with another up and coming independent artist who is working hard to cause the world to take note of their amazing talent. There are millions of individuals who are striving to showcase their unique abilities and though somewhat stressful, they are succeeding one inspiring moment at a time.
Queenella Gibson can be found on various social networks as well as performance halls belting out tunes that are written from the soul of this talented newcomer. LIRM sat down with her recently to share who she is and what she represents.
Take a look:
Share with our readers your background such as where you hail from.
My name is Queen Ella (Born Queenella Nicole Gibson). I'm a singer, songwriter, and dancer. I was born and raised in Newark, NJ but I currently live in the studio. Since I was in diapers, I've been performing. The center of my mother's living-room was my stage; friends, family, and stuffed animals were my audience. Singing, writing, and dancing came natural to me.
Over the past few years, I started to own my craft of being an multi dimensional artist. Local talent shows, showcases, and plays sharpened my skills even more. I've been taking vocal lessons from the amazing vocal coach Troy Randall who has trained many celebrities in his time. I'm now working on my first album titled "Tangled Emotions". It's going to be full of mixed emotions. I can be happy now and feeling another way in the next five minutes. Hey, what can I say…that's just the way we women are.
You have an infectious personality and gift. Has this caused many to second guess your gift or has it enhanced who you are?
In the past I doubted myself, but now I hear the word "gifted" often. For you to say this about me, to still hear it today after so many years, I can now accept it. Discovering this about me has definitely enhanced who I am and I surprise myself sometimes with the lyrics I write and the ideas that I come up with.
You are a great songwriter, how important are lyrics to a song? Have you written for anyone else?
Thank you. Lyrics to me are really important to a song. For me, every song that I've written tells a story from an experience that I had. I use the studio to vent and it's sort of like having a diary.
We live in a society where many require singers/performers to look and sound like each other. How important is diversity and being different important to you?
Being different is very important to me. There may be another Queen Ella out there but you won't find another me. I have a different DNA, different fingerprints, and I eat eggs with my cheeseburger so if I'm different, why not embrace it and be different.
Share with our readers who inspires you to continue your musical journey.
What inspires me to continue my musical journey would be my fans/supporters. What I enjoy doing the most is performing live and connecting with the audience. Seeing their responses: emotions, visual expressions and body language to my music makes me want to give and do more. I've gained so many fans by giving all of me each time that I step on stage.
My goal is to be one of the biggest names in the entertainment world and I need people to support me. My fans are helping me to make this happen. I can guarantee that I will stay true to who I am and I will not let my supporters down. A gift from me to my fans/supporter is that they can download my FREE mobile app (Android and Apple only) and enjoy music, pics, and more. I'm expecting GREAT things to happen this year.
Being a unique individual can be somewhat stressful. How do you handle stress?
Music and a good laugh. Two best "stress relievers" out there.
Many artist cave under peer pressure. What keeps you sane and grounded?
What keeps me sane and grounded is prayer and mommy. I talk to God just like I'm talking to you. This may sound a bit silly, but I write Him letters all the time. My mother is my best friend as well and they both know how to ease the pain and keep me focused.
I love it, we need be grounded daily. Queenella, we live in a critical world and many judge before truly knowing the person. How do you deal with criticism?
I deal with criticism with a smile and I try to find the good in the bad. You can't please everyone all the time. Sometimes there's truth in what people say but I never let it affect me nor change my view on life or what I'm doing. If I disagree with what is said, I continue to smile and then move on to the next one. People are going to judge me. This comes with the territory.
What would you say to that young girl who has a gift to sing/perform but doesn't have support from others?
Girl, fight for what belongs to you! I don't have many that support what I do and even some family members have turned their backs on me. The philosophy that I live by is "Run with me or get ran over." I have a small circle with many layers.
The closest people to me are the positive ones that want to see me do better and want to assist me in achieving my goals. The moment you decide that you're here to stop what I'm doing then you need to step aside because you're no longer relevant in my life. Music is my life! In order for others to believe in you, you have to believe in yourself first. I'll do this thing alone if I have to.
What is your view on where independent artists are headed. What are the good and bad parts to it all?
The current state of the music industry, artists are more original and independent which is a good thing. The downside to it is that the music industry seems to be more about business and less about talent. The door to getting into the music industry needs to be a little wider than it is and allow only "real" talented artists to enter. If not, there will be more artists wanting to sound like other well known artists such as Lady Gaga, Beyonce, and Chris Brown. Everyone will sound the same and no one will stand out.
In three words: Describe Queen Ella!
Entertainer, Believer, and Survivor. I was named after an amazing woman, my grandmother, the late Queen Ella Gibson. So it's not only my stage name, but it's my government name also. Entertainer, believer, and survivor are the characteristics that I was born with.
Amazing! There are tons of singers/performers out in the world who are striving for that big break. As one of them, what are some important keys to success?
Important keys to success are very important such as:
- Having patience.
- Having a strong team.
- You have to grind.
I don't complain and I don't wait for things to happen. I make things happen. If a deal comes, I'll count it as a blessing, but I'm not sitting on my butt waiting for things to happen off of luck. My focus is making things happen through my struggle in becoming an artist known worldwide. Before the year 2012 ends, the world will know who Queen Ella is.
Queenella is an amazing up and coming talent who just happens to possess a keen ability to know exactly where her career is headed. Check out some of her work via Itunes as well as her site to hear more from this talented performer.
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