One on One with "Jonte Ark Pro" Evan Spaulding
There is nothing better than a great song with a banging drum, wicked 808 bass groove or a smooth jazz tune. Being a blogger who has grown up with countless hours of instruments around me, I was elated to share a outstanding story with our readers.
Evan Spaulding is a unique and upstanding guy who has created a amazing brand that not only showcases others just like him but it also manages to encourages those in the land. LIRM had a phenomenal time interviewing Evan and judging from his heartfelt words, he is the right guy for the job.
Check out the interview:
Evan, Share with our readers your heritage.
My drive, passion for success and entrepreneurial insight was passed down to me by my parents, Dr. Richard & Anita Spaulding. My dad is locally known for opening one of the first FREE Bible Schools (Ark of Safety School of Ministry) in the New Jersey area. My equally talented mother is mostly known for her 2 best selling books, "How Whosoever Can Have Whatsoever" and "From Trials to Triumph." My parents accomplishments were both labeled "controversial" because they weren't done a certain "way." They've always encouraged me to push the envelope and set the bar.
Who are some of your musical inspirations and examples? Do you have any memories of meeting any great role models?
Wow! I absolutely LOVE the so called "Celebrities" in the world of music. However, my inspiration actually comes from local celebs who are now beginning to reach the masses. Guys like Will Brown, Dale Ciceron, Dwayne Johnson, Lance Williams and Dr. Albert J. Lewis have all played a part in my love for music.
Lance Williams has this music retreat every year right in New Jersey and I leave there every year more passionate about God & Music. Dr. Lewis would always have these "musicals" in Newark where Will, Dale, & Dwayne where all on the same program. When those guys got up there… It was MAJOR! I remember wanting to be just like them and praying to God that my group didn't have to go after their groups. I believe that if it weren't for them a lot of musicians that come from Newark wouldn't be as successful as they are today!
Share with our readers what "THE SHED" is?
Originally sheds were designed for musicians to come together, practice and get a better feel of what it is like to play with other musicians. Most of the time there is a cover charge of $5 but we've put our own twist on it. A JonteArkPRO shed is free of charge and not only is it a time to practice but it's an opportunity for musicians to be discovered. Every last Friday of the month I record videos to Livestream and later upload to YouTube and take tons of pictures!
When the event is over I edit the highlights and send them to major music companies. So far, we have been able to connect a few drummers with endorsements deal with Soultone Cymbals in California and have actually found jobs for other musicians with this technique. We plan to keep our services free and we are on the lookout for sponsors so that it may stay that way.
Will you be releasing any projects or publications of your own in the future.
We are actually in the process of creating a DVD. I'm not at liberty to discuss all of the details but I can say that it's going to change the way people look at "The Musician" and define what a "JonteArkPRO" really is! I'm absolutely thrilled about this project and I can not wait to get started in February. The project will be released in Spring of 2013.
There are many men and women who are offspring's of successful parents. What are your thoughts on being your own individual and having your own voice/talents?
Everything about me is like Dr. Richard & Anita Spaulding. I wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for their accomplishments and connections. At an early age I quickly grasped that "it isn't what you know… It's who you Know." Once I learned to live with the fact that I will always be compared to them, I constantly strive to be better than them. That's what they've encouraged me to do and that is what I want if I ever have children with my wife amazing wife Cali. Individuality is important but never forget why you are who you are.
That is totally cool. Evan, we can tell that you have a strong spiritual foundation. Share with our readers your thoughts.
God is the source of my strength. In Him I live, move and have my being. He has proven Himself real to me in some crazy situations and owe Him everything. Recently, I was in a serious car crash in 2010 around the corner from my parent's house. While I was on my way to work a speeding car struck my passenger's side and sent my car into a tree.
The impact caused me to hit my head on the steering wheel and everything went black. The car looked like an accordion. In fact, all of the windows were broken and the car was so mashed together that I had to be cut out of the car to get out of it. I'm not sure how long I was out but I was awaken by the voice of a woman who appeared to be homeless. She reached into the car turning off the engine through the broken window, used my iPhone to call 911 and a couple of my family members.
She returned my belongings to my mom when she arrived, made sure she gave a report of what she saw and I never saw her again. I'm not saying she was an angel or anything but I believe God put her there that day and time to make sure that I live. Not only did God bless me to survive that accident but he also allowed me to leave the scene with only a bruise above my eye! God is good and I will continue to serve Him.
Being a unique individual can be somewhat stressful. How do you handle stress?
Positivity is my stress reliever. Everyone handles stress differently and I'm the type of person that can't handle stress alone. Positive people, images and sounds are all my healing agents. My beautiful wife, parents and friends allow me to voice what's bothering me.
I'm a big reader and I will forever be enrolled in the "Mobile University." Zig Ziglar, T.D Jakes, Joel Olsteen and Les Brown are always playing in my car. After listening to guys like that everyday, It's kind of hard to remember what you were stressing about in the first place.
What keeps you sane and grounded?
You know I always put God as the main reason for everything. There's also a quote I live by that I learned from one of the greatest motivational speakers of this generation named Rahfeal Gordon. That quote, "My Location is NOT my Destination" is absolutely amazing. Things can get out of control in our present state but if we keep our eye on the prize we can't lose. I would have to say that along with God, my goals are what keep me sane and grounded!
You are so correct. You know we are living in a critical world and many judge others before truly knowing the person. How do you deal with criticism?
Criticism comes with fame and popularity. The more well known you become the more you will be criticized and there isn't enough time in the day to try pleasing every critic. Sometimes those critics may even be right! If it doesn't line up with the vision I was given… Oh well!
I just have to ignore it! For example, many believe that I've changed "The Shed" for the worse and I've made it too flashy & commercial. I'm going to continue to what I do and I'll do it my way. I refuse to be a carbon copy of anything or anybody!
So refreshing!! Where do you see yourself in the next five years?
In the next five years over 500 inspirational artist's dreams and aspirations will come true because of my company, Jonte-Ark Productions. Our services will remain free to the general public because we will be funded millions of dollars by major fortune 500 companies and small business owners alike. Alone with that, 3 successful award winning DVDs will have been recorded and our headquarter offices which will be New Jersey based yet we will be expanding to different states. Lastly, I'll be doing another interview with LIRM to recap all the achievements we've made in the past 5 years!
There are tons of musicians out in the world who are striving for that big break. As a musician, what are some important keys to success?
A.) Write down your goals and achieve them 1 by 1.
B.) Practice daily & Perform every chance you get.
C.) Eliminate Negativity from your life completely. (People, Places, Things and Habits)
Evan, thank you so much for this opportunity to share with our readers how the flow of your life goes.
Thank You so much for considering me for this interview! We count it a privilege and Honor!
Evan Spaulding clearly has his finger on the pulse of greatness and LIRM is certain that in the next 5 years we will being a update to this humbled modern day minstrel.
More Info on JonteArk Pro:
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Evan Spaulding clearly has his finger on the pulse of greatness and LIRM is certain that in the next 5 years we will being a update to this humbled modern day minstrel.
More Info on JonteArk Pro:
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What an awesome interview! Evan I am so proud of you and I know that Great things are in store for your lifenministry, and career! Love u 2 life Son!
What an awesome interview by a positive young man. Keep on doing what you are doing while looking upward.
Bro this interview is amazing. I'm very proud to know you and work with you. This is a great look for you and I wholeheartedly believe that what you have set out to do will be accomplished with ease by the grace of God.
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