Delea Thomas - Overcoming Role Model

When I think of the word overcomer, many things come to mind: Determined, Resilient and Educated. In this world we live in, it is imperative that we stay focused on our goals and aspirations.

I remember being in a church service and praying with a young mother who possessed the quality of overcoming. She was a single mother who had fought and won many of her personal battles.

After that evening of prayer, years went by and loe and behold I found her on one of the social networks and I was amazed at her transformation. Just from reading her emails and posts, I could tell that she had stepped over into her destiny. Being one who showcases positivity, I had no other choice but to interview this amazing woman of faith.

More from this Role Model after the jump!

Check out this encouraging interview from Delea Thomas and experience how it clearly kicked into testimony time.

Delea, it is an honor to interview you my sister.
Thank you Darian, the honor is all mine.

Tell our readers, how did you get into writing?
I was in college at the age of 30 and it was challenging. I decided to write my first stage play entitled “Don’t think you’re doing God a Favor”. I had to remind myself of the people that have gone through so many things in the body Christ, people that were actually mad at God. I realized that it is my reasonable service to serve God simply because God looks at the heart man.

I further realized that I couldn’t get caught up in title, or praying for people. After I premiered the play, I felt a nudging to write to the hurting people because there are so many hurting. I knew that if I shared my pain and victories it would give others hope.

Being a single mother, share with our reader how you handled the trying times.
Well, I have four beautiful children with four different personalities. When I lived in Shreveport, Louisiana, it was very difficult to hold my head up because of the lack we experienced. Their father would not help buy food, school clothes or anything that is needed to live a basic life.

Living in Dallas, Texas was just as hard; we moved out of the projects and moved into this house that had leaks within the pipes. The owners had someone to do the wiring in the house and our electric bill was always through the roof. There were times when we had to live by candles until I could afford to pay the bill and have service again.

The aforementioned leak had my electric bill so high that eventually the disconnected the service. There was a carwash down the street that I could fill jugs of water to bathe and flush the toilet. I cried many days because I just felt crushed and would often wonder when the favor of God would show up for my family.

Delea as "Messy Marva"

Amazing! Who are some of your mentors that you look up to in the area of writing?
Of course Maya Angelou! I love her because she is just real about her feelings towards people and I think she just has a pure spirit. My mentors were Evangelist Price and Linda Gray; these sisters really tagged me and prayed for me on a regular basis. They are both authors and I just knew that what God had done for them, that he would do it for me.

How do you handle the stressful times when you have an idea/thought but you are being challenged with time?
What I have learned is that if God has given you a vision, no matter how many problems that will arise, he is faithful to provide. While I was producing my play, I experienced people walking out two days before the play premiered. I had to improvise and change the script so that the play could continue.

Being a young African American Author/Playwright, what have been some of the positive challenges of being a writer, mother, etc?
Oh, my goodness, I learned that I was capable of making changes without taking away the plot. My children are my fan club and they have been wonderful in the area of taking on parts in my plays.

They actually jump in with no problem and their love for me has helped me get through a lot of rough days. They kept right on laughing when I wanted to fold up like chair. The most import thing I learned since I started writing is that I was actually given this gift to help others while doing what I love.

Yes. They have always been great children. The world is full of young women looking for an identity, love from a man and acceptance to those around them. What kind of advice would you give to them?
I would tell them to accept who they are before bringing someone into their lives. If you can accept yourself and love who you are, then you can love someone else.

How do you deal with your critics?
When I am dealing with critics, I actually listen because there may be something that I can build a plot around. I can also take something away that takes away from the storyline. Also, no one is perfect and seeing through others without taking offense helps you in the long run.

Where do you see yourself in the next four years?
I actually see myself having more than one book on the market. I also see the script for “Housing” being on the big screen.

Fascinating. What are you doing to give back in your community?
I go out to different low income apartments to speak and help others. I also purchase school supplies and uniforms for two families in the complex. I know how hard it is when you want to help someone who can’t help themselves. Someone did that for me and I think it is important to do the same for someone else.

To that young girl, sitting in her room, writing down her thoughts and dreams, what would you say to her to get her to never give up?
I would tell her that a dream is only a dream if you are not doing anything to make it come into fruition. I would also tell her that it doesn’t matter if she is getting laughed at right now because she studies her craft and attends camps that can help her develop her gift. I would tell her not to just talk about the dream but to believe in the impossible.

Delea Thomas has weathered various storms, did it with four children and faced struggles that only some of us have dreamed about. It is evident that she has evolved into a woman of great faith and there is no limit to what she can do. We are pleased to know her and here at Legends Icons and Role Models, we deem her a Role Model for Overcomers.

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