LIRM Artistic Spotlight ~ Gloria Loring - Braveheart Woman
More inroads after the jump
My mind can remember being that precocious young lad who hung on my grandmother's every word. I can yet hear her saying,"I have to get ready for my stories." Everyone in the house knew the cardinal rule was not to bother her during her "Love in the Afternoon" and we obliged.
One of her favorite actresses/singers was none other than that of Gloria Loring. Not only an accomplished singer but Gloria was and still is one of the most talented performers out. She could weekly be seen as long suffering "Liz Curtis" on the long running daytime soap "Days of Our Lives" and she gave it her all.
Ever talented, Gloria wrote and recorded many of the uber popular theme songs to various weekly series such as "The Facts of Life" and "Different Strokes" just to name a few. Being the ultimate performer, one of my most vivid memories is of her and the late Carl Anderson belting out the hit single "Friends & Lovers".
Not only is she the ultimate performer but she is just as ultimate as a wife, mother and grandmother. Many don't realize that she is the mother of two great sons, Breenan and Robin Thicke, both of whom are immensely talented.
Check out some retro videos as well amazing interviews where Gloria speaks on her abilities as well her spiritual walk.
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