One on One With Drea D'Nur

LIRM has done it again in the interview department with an amazing one on one that is sure to encourage, inspire and uplift everyone who read it. The motto for us is still the same as we uplift and inspire every reader to think, live and love better. 

More enlightenment after the jump

Artist on the rise, Drea D'nur, is the one to watch as she navigates her career on her own terms. In a time when the media is pushing sex filled lyrics and videos down our throats, Drea is maintaining her artistic integrity with an amazing vocal range and a lyrical style that is all her own and she does it all while raising a beautiful family. 

We recently caught up with her as she embarked on a journey to Germany to lay some tracks that are sure to entertain the masses. Let me say this, Drea is BAD, her voice is amazing and her integrity is obvious even over the social network landscape. 

Check her out: 

First and Foremost, YOU can SANG!! Share with our readers your background such as where you hail from. Etc. 
Praise God! Born and raised in Buffalo, NY. 

You are gifted to not only sing but you are gifted with your hands to play musical instruments. What instruments do you play ? 
I play piano by ear. I'm working on the bass guitar so soon I will able to add that to my list!

Share with our readers how long you have been singing and performing. What was it like being a musician growing up? 
I've been singing since I was 4 but I didn't sound good until I was about 11 years old! I sang in church as a little girl. If I didn't have music, growing up, I probably would've had a much more difficult childhood experience. Music is my release and my coping mechanism. Very grateful for the gift. 

We live in a society where many desire to be like everyone else. Share with us what sets you and your brand apart?  
Drea d'Nur is an agent for change. An advocate for personal spiritual growth. I won't do what others have done in exchange for fame. I'd much rather put out music that I and my children can be proud of and pass on to their children's children. 

"Music is my release and my coping mechanism"

I can't separate my regard for my Creator from my love for Soul music because my Creator gave me this gift. To share that gift with the world is just as much an honor as it is an obligation. I hope that I answered the question!
You most definitely did. Being a unique individual can be somewhat stressful. How do you handle stress? 
I am learning to release. Let go. I handle what I can and release the rest. Sometimes you have to just stop...and let it flow, whatever "it" is. Stress once caused me a bald spot. So, I tell you, it ain't worth it! And I must say, that I have a great support system. It's small but solid as a rock!

The music industry has changed so much over the years, what are you views on where music has been and where it's going? 
I don't listen to the radio for obvious reasons! Much of the mass-marketed music of today is not merely about self-expression; it's about making money. Many of the artists just want fame and don't really have a message. If you are not careful, you might just sell your soul for the price of temporary fame. Everything, especially the music industry, is ran with an agenda. Important to know what that is and guard yourself.

We live in a critical world and many judge before truly knowing the person.  How do you deal with criticism? 
If it is constructive, I take it. Even when it hurts. I am learning to hold truth very dear because it is necessary in order to grow. So, take the truth, discard the rest. I don't have much time to ponder on someone's "uninformed" opinion of me! I'd much rather dwell on what God says!

Amen Lights!!! Drea, what would you say to that young girl/boy who has a dream to sing/perform but doesn't have much encouragement around them? 
Dreams don't need validation from anyone but the dreamer. you have to believe in yourself. Sometimes, even your family may not support. You just have to believe. Eventually, the support system will come.

"If you are not careful, 
you might just sell your soul for the price of temporary fame"

As an African America woman, how important is it to have your the support of your sister friends/family/supporters? 
It means a lot to have the support from other Black Women. We nurture the Earth. So we have to stick together. Help one another. Support one another. Love one another. Very important.

What singers/musicians did you listen to growing up. How did they influence you? 
Mostly gospel artists (thanks to Gramma!): The Clark Sisters, The Winans and Andrae Crouch. I learned to hear the music, feel the music, and communicate what I feel in the most unadulterated yet skilled way. I learned harmonies and songwriting techniques.

What are some of your long term and short term goals concerning your career? 
Long term: To have my own company similar to Russell Simmons. Many different companies with one 
There are tons of artists out in the world who are striving for that big break. As one of them, what are five important keys to success? 
1. God First. 
2. Have a clear vision and speak it loud enough for the universe to hear you.  
3. Practice everyday. 
4. Make genuine connections with people. 
5. Invest into yourself and then people will invest in you.

You are gearing up for more recording, what has the experience been like thus far? 
I am in Germany now, day 2 of recording! 

Your music causes the listener to think while they listen to your music, do you think that area is lacking in music today?  
Well, I know there are "hit" songs that repeat the simplest words over and over and have writing teams that include 3 or more people. The question is why do they need so many people to write something seemingly simple? Perhaps, people are a bit more concerned with influencing people's minds more so than inspiring people to think for themselves....hmm!

P.S Did I mention - YOU BE SINGING MAN???????  
Gosh!!! Thank you and Praise God for this gift!

Check Drea out and be sure and support her by stopping by her sites and Official Facebook Spot. 

YouTube Spot

1 comment

R.Y. Swint said...

Great interview, Drea! Hope you have a great time in Germany, and I'm looking forward to hearing your finished project! Your voice is so beautiful. Keep up the great work! :)

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