"Man Of Steel" Official Trailer

Movie blockbusters are nothing new for Hollywood and judging from the release of the latest trailers for the Superman trilogy, things are about to get epic.

More Superman info after the jump

Two different trailers for Man Of Steel just hit the net and LIRM had to share with our readers how serious things look this time around. Normally we are used to seeing the late Christopher Reeves in the title role of the man of steel however this go around with Henry Cavill in the lead things look a bit glossier and dark.

Rounding out the cast is Amy Adams, Kevin Costner, Diane Lane, Lawrence Fishburn, Russell Crowe and many more playing key roles in bringing an amazing film to the screen. Directed by Zack Snyder and produced by Dark Night's Christopher Nolan, the film is poised for release June 14, 2013. 

Check out the trailers and see for yourself. 


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