Kreative Blogger Award - FEELS GOOD!!!!

Being a positive blogger, I am always honored when my fellow bloggers think about a spot like LIRM. 

I recently received the Kreativ Blogger award from super talented blogger Vee Gilbert owner of A Dime On A Dime.  

Check out these entertaining questions and answers regarding various topics on myself. 

Rules to receiving this award are as follows:
• Complete the questions below
• Share 7 random facts about yourself
• Link back to the person that gave you the award
• Pass the award over to 10 of your fellow bloggers and let them know that you gave it to them
So here we go!

Name your favorite song:
Oh man, that would be "Heaven In Your Arms" by R.J.'S Latest Arrival
Name your favorite dessert:
Cupcakes! Being that I have became a Vegan, it is kind of tough to get my hands on vegan cupcakes. But It is EPIC! 
What pisses you off:
Child Abuse, Judgmental individuals and USERS! Those types of people should be on another planet. 
When you’re upset, you:
Go Silent and go to a place of alone time. Not many people have experienced my temper being that I don't go off often but it is better than I stay alone. 
Your favorite pet:
Dogs! Ahh, I remember my family's beloved pup - "Scuddles Murray" I STILL MISS HIM!! SMH 
Black or White:
Both colors are amazing and in any given setting can spark up conversations.
Your biggest fear:
I really don't have a fear of much other than a fear of failure. It is what I battle daily and I must say that I am Winning! 

Best Feature:
My girlfriend says that it is my eyes and my smile. I believe it is my skin. I never really had outbreaks growing up. 
Everyday Attitude:
I attempt to wake up optimistic daily and it usually works.

What is perfection:
Ah yes, perfection to me is when my family is happy and safe. Personally It would have to be a DOPE SALE in EVERY store in the mall. YEP!!! 
Guilty Pleasure:
Oh man, that would be jello! I have loved it since elementary school and I make it often.

7 Random Facts About Me:

1. My grandfather was 100% creole and from the south. I would have loved to have met him to learn more about my heritage. 

2. I was raised in a single family home by a strong mother who ran a tight ship. I had to do everything from keeping my baby sister, yard work, driving etc. 

3.  I dropped out of high school and work tons of jobs and in 2005, I returned to school and received my GED. 

4.  I love KALE, I eat it at least 4 days a week.

5. I have had my appendix removed as a kid. I have a scar to prove it. 

6. I was raised by my mom, aunts, uncles and grandparents. I split my time between Houston,  
Texas and Louisiana. 

7. I am training to run a marathon and it has been tough! 

The 10 bloggers that I would like to pass this award on to would be:










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