Tonight's episode pops off with Annalise locked up in the jail and having issues with maintaining her composure. We also flashback four weeks earlier and Anna Mae is chopping it up with her ex girlfriend/lover/girlfriend. The ladies are having drinks and before long we see them partying with two strangers.
We also notice that the legal eagle is drinking way more than she should these days and it's starting to show in her personal life. Nate is waiting at home for her afterward and she's kind of feeling so we know where that probably went. We also find that Annalise lied to her live in boyfriend about who she was with by telling him she was with Bonnie "I kill people with plastic bags" Winterbottom. Annalise ends up having her license somewhat suspended after the slap last week with her client and she eventually agrees to head to rehab.
We see Frank laid up in his room and giving out money like Halloween candy to a stranger who brings him a bottle of dangerous poison etc. Laurel visits Frank's dad and we find out that Annalise and Sam connected with Frank years earlier and kind of saved his life. Frank is later seen working in a hospital and sexing the nurse on duty. Frank was blowing that woman's back out on top of a funky hospital bed like his time was near on earth.
Asher has his time in court this time around and gives the viewers quirky and goofy like a mf. Before he can shine albeit not too much - his teacher/boss is called out regarding last weeks slap heard around the world.
Asher and his former lover are working together tonight and things get a bit intense when he brings up her father and the molestation thing.
Laurel is searching high and low for her wayward loverboy Frank and any info on him. She eventually gets a call from and unknown number and up jumps the boogie thinking it's Frank. She's surprised to hear from Meg, her boy Wes - who she secretly cares for - girlfriend who lets her know she got needs her help getting ideas for her boyfriend. Wes reaches out to Laurel later and lets her know that he just wants to be there for her. These two are wearing us out with the obvious caring of one another but yet not acting on it.
Bonnie knocks it out the ballpark tonight while grilling a teacher on the witness stand. The case conjures up memories of her father molesting her. Bonnie is clearly a tortured soul who deep down only want to do whats right oh and she and Asher somewhat STILL connect with each other.
Eve confesses to Annalise that she has met someone and confesses that it's serious. Annalise tells her that she is happy for her and we see that all the legal eagle has now is her trusty bottle of booze. Bonnie stops by and informs her boss that her unscrupulous father is dead. Via flashbacks Frank is seen sneaking into Bonnie's dirty dads room after sexing the nurse and snagging her keys. Frank goes full out murder and pumps his body full of toxic poison that eventually melts his lungs.
We see Frank as a vigilante who is making sure Bonnie's dad pays for his sins. Laurel also confesses to Bonnie that she already knew where Frank was headed and it was where Bonnie's evil dad was. As the episode comes to an conclusion we see via flashbacks to the night of the fire Bonnie and Oliver are a nervous wreck in the emergency room. Wes's girlfriend Meg is on duty and the doctors are working on the person found in the fire - who is yet breathing.
Meg lets the doctor on duty in on a little secret - the mystery patient is WITH CHILD!!!!
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