We're back!!!
The brand new episode picks up where it left off a few weeks ago with Wes shooting Annalise like a rabid dog in fancy threads. We fast forward to two weeks after the shooting and Bonnie is making sure her dysfunctional mentor takes her meds and oh yeah, lie on the witness stand concerning her being shot.

Laurel is over at Wes's apartment admonishing him to get his ass out of the bed and get back to life. Wes aint really trying to hear all that rubbish that Laurel's throwing his way.
She does manage to pull Wes into heading over to study group with his schoolmates. We also see Laurel visit Annalise and she asks Laurel why did she confess that she shot her? Laurel is better than many of us cause Wes would be rotting in that jail sooooooooooooooooooooo fast.
Anna Mae is popping pills and having flashbacks when she gets a knock at her front door and she opens the door. There was a young mother saying she needs to leave her toodler with our favorite legal eagle. Annalise is shook when the mom bolts from the house and it's just Annalise and the baby - CUTE KID INSERT RIGHT HERE* Later on we find out that there is NO BABY and its all in her mind due to the drugs. Also we find that murderous Bonnie is keeping Anna Mae high with mind altering drugs to kind of gaslight her.
Bonnie basically saying
Asher is having the time of his life and we don't mean that in a good way and judging by the flashbacks to the night he went to cops? Things aren't gonna let up for him in then way he thinks. Mind you, there is NO mention of how he mowed down the lofty DA who was blackmailing him but hey- Let's pour out a little liquor for DA Sinclair.
Michaela see's her community peen Kaleb in court and speaks to him regarding what went down with his sister on the night of Annalise's shooting. Kaleb speaks from his heart and let's his lovergirl know that he hopes she and the rest of the team rot in hell.
Caleb went full out Nene on Micheala!!!
Anna Mae takes the stand and implicates Katherine as her shooter and is looking straight at Wes who knows she is lying cause he put that led in her. She asks for a recess and comes back to the stand and she begins to lose it due to the effects of drugs. This lady is clowning on that stand and confuses everybody with her testimony but it works cause she saves Katherine from jail.
Kaleb speaks with Annalise and she convinces him to get Katherine to confess that she was set up and coerced by her boyfriend Phillp. The judge gives the confused child five years light security and Bonnie let's Annalise know the plan worked. What she DOES NOT know is that she is garnering a dependance on pain meds and Bonnie could care less. Annalise better look out or she gonna end up falling off her throne like Wendy Williams in Vegas.
So Yeah:
Let's get back to Wes! This dude done walked up in Annalise's house and is going thru her computer and searching for things that concern and don't concern him. Annalise hears some rumblings upstairs and she finds Wes in her bed - WTF!!!
Wes and Annalise trade mental barbs with each other and before we know it, we are watching flashbacks of a PREGNANT -- HOLY SHIT BATMAN - Annalise and the lady that Annalise saw at her font door when Annalise was hallucinating. The lady asks a pregnant Anna Mae if its a boy and she confirms. Now who in the world knocked up Annalise???????
The teacher and student go back and forth and before long??? Annalise pulls a weapon and Wes bolts.
He leaves the wounded legal eagle by herself and she goes back to hearing babies and dancing with them but we all know the baby doesn't exist but it actually does - it just that the baby is now 10 and we have no clue where it is.
We had to get up like Aunt Bertha and:
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