Bonnie Is Gonna Be Sooo Pissed - HTGAWM "That's My Baby"

Tonight was EPIC!!!!

The episode opens with Anna Mae and Phillip Jessup throwing down like two WWF wrestlers. All Eve could do was listen in as her undercover sometime parttime lover was being attacked by a dangerous man. Annalise was able to pull a Wes and knock her attacker out and run like Forrest Gump.

Annalise ends up at the local police station watching a young Wes being interrogated by the police. The legal eagle already knows that Rose stabbed herself right in front of her and that makes her indebted to Wes. Annalise is having a hard time dealing with Wes, flashing back to Rose killing herself and being pregnant which is sure to make even the most talented lawyer stress out. She asks Eve to help fix things for a young Wes but she doesn't budge so Anna Mae breaks out and heads over to the FBI but before she could make it??????? She is mysteriously sideswiped by a car that may or may not have been on purpose.

Eve eventually brings Annalise home and she implores her former lover to drive back to New York but she turns her down. Michaela is also having a hissy fit because her loverboy Kaleb is missing and ole girl can't take it cause we all know our girl falls in love like an old school Shirley Brown verse. Like,  she broke down like a mother who's child didn't walk across the stage for graduation.

The DA called EVERY.ONE. of the Keating 5 down to his office and grilled them like a nice mahi mahi with a side of fresh cilantro rice. Best believe Bonnie Faye Winterbottom was right beside each of them and they managed to keep a straight face and walk away scott free.

Bonnie and Frank have a quickie -- clears throat - conversation in Annalise's basement of horrors and she asks him if Annalise made him kill Lila. Frank up jumps the boogie and tells Bonnie Faye that she must have forgotten she killed Rebecca right down in that basement so she needs to get her some bidness.


Anna Mae has Frank smuggling in booze and ole girl is also eating potato chips like a mafia don as she's trying to deal with Wes. Listen the bawse is sloshed and by that we mean layed out on her desk like she didn't have a care in the world. Bonnie and Annalise trade barbs due to her excessive drinking but they go a little bit over the line when Bonnie mentions what her connection to Wes is.


Sam gets a call from the hospital after Annalise's crash and we see the team wheeling her into surgery. Annalise's baby boy is delivered via c section and she sees the medical team working on her precious baby boy. In a riveting scene we see Annalise, Sam and her stillborn baby in the delivery room after being told that the baby didn't survive. It's also during this time we see her and Sam's relationship changing after the death of the baby.

The team is thrown out by Annalise and she implores Wes to stay and before long she confesses to Wes what happened when he was a kid. She lets Wes know that it was all her fault and she tells him that she let her ambition get the best of her which resulted in his mom killing herself.

The episode ends with

1. Micheala and Asher getting freaky in the bathroom and by freaky we mean nasty bathroom stall sex. Oh and does anybody else see a who's the daddy storyline coming down the turnpike for our unlucky in love law student???

Michaela better call Whoopi Goldberg.  Bonnie is gonna go CLEAN AWFFFF.

2. We also find out that Wes's mom was raped by her boss which resulted in her being pregnant with Wes and we also find out that Wes's father is alive. That's right Anna Mae confessed that Wes's dad is VERY much alive, VERY RICH and VERY racist.

3. Laurel shows up at Annalise's house drunk out of her mind and tells her teacher that Frank told her that Annalise told him to kill Lila which we all know aint true.

4. Shaken by Laurel's statement Anna Mae hauls ass to her mother Miss Ophelia's house cause we all know we can always go home to momma.


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