Tonight is the night - That Bonnie is lying all across the canvas.
Let's get into tonight's machinations shall we:
Bonnie Winterbottom tho???? Mannnnnnnnnn people need to realize that Bonnie is a tough act to beat and by that we mean - nobody can kill or turn the tables like Winterbottom. Tonight Bonnie's feet DID NOT fail her as she is seen in the opening scene running to the car to get her visibly shaken boyfriend away from the scene of Annalise's shooting and Emily Sinclair's murder.
Bonnie freaks out and calls Annalise and cries just like JJ Evans did when his prom date snuck out the window for drug. Like she has a FULL OUT MELTDOWN and tells Annalise that she knows she's a failure and that she should blame everything on her.
Levi and Wes are yet in cahoots to get the goods on Annalise so he can make her pay for what he thinks she did to Rebecca. Levi needs to boil his eggs a bit longer and pay attention to the games Frank and Annalise are playing because before he knows it??? He is exposed to the group as
1. Rebecca's foster brother
2. Michaela's lover
3. Being EGGS 911
along with being arrested for drug trafficking courtesy of Frank.
These people better watch their backs because we believe that Levi is gonna end up getting out of jail and go gunning for Annalise and put some lead into her lovely body. We get this feeling because tonight we spotted Levi pulling a gun on a guy who he thought was lying about where Rebecca's body was.
This particular episode Asher is coming into his own and not giving a damn what anybody thinks about the outcome. That being said we also see Asher and his lovely murderous girlfriend Bonnie bonding over the fallout from the night Annalise was shot.
Asher is also plotting with Emily Sinclair to take down her arch nemesis Annalise and we already know how that plays out. *POUR OUT A LIL LIQUOR FOR SHAD EMILY*
Asher later finds some type of, how shall we say, balls about the situation and bails on turning on his instructor. Annalise shows up to his house later on with proof of how twisted Bonnie really is and we get to see that the poor girl was the victim of sexual abuse courtesy of her father. Now we see why ole girl is murdering people with plastic bags and what not - DAMAGED!!
Annalise and Nate meet up in her lovely car and she confesses that his dying wife summoned her to her bedside to help end her life. Annalise let's her demoted lover know that she's tired of all the games and is there for him for whatever he needs. These two lovers are clearly in love with each other but can't trust one as far as they can spot each other.
Laurel and Frank are two characters who don't mind getting their Ms. Jackson if ya nasty on anytime, anyplace or anywhere for that matter. The couple ends up throwing caution to the wind and having wild and spontaneous sex down in the basement of the Keating residence. That's right - In the same place that Bonnie murdered Rebecca.
Connor is having a slight meltdown this episode, and we know that he can go nervous from 0-100 real quick, and is super nervous and thinking he just might end up in jail for all the machinations that he and his fellow schoolmates have been involved in. He decides to confess to his boyfriend Oliver that not only is he a good guy but that he also loves him.
Wes has his eye on everybody tonight but not as much as Frank's car keys. What we see tonight is how Wes, thanks to Levi's messy ass, is gunning to find out where Rebecca's body is and he snatches a key to a storage unit from Frank's keys.
Annalise even meets with her son - oops student - and asks him if their relationship is in tact and what not. We are gonna call this every week until Anna Mae confesses that she is Wes's long lost mother - "WES, YOUR MOMMA IS YOUR BOSS/MENTOR"
Annalise runs over to see Nate and riles him up about not telling her that Wes has been contacting/working with him. Nate is so trying to play Annalise and sister girl is doing the same to him just like Bobby Womack and his trusty guitar.
Once Levi's arrested for drugs, Wes gathers his friends/fellow students and head over to the storage unit using Frank's eye. They see a single suitcase in the middle of the unit as we are treated to flashbacks of Frank stuffing Rebecca's limp body into the suitcase. Once opened, the students don't find a body but they find something wayyyyyyyyy more valuable and by that we mean:
We find out that Frank planted the key on his keyring, set Levi up and kind of led the students a wild goose chase.
Via flashbacks we see Bonnie and Asher stopping at the local gas station the night Annalise is shot and she heads into the bathroom. Once in she wipes massive amounts of blood off her hands and removes her bloody clothes and heads back to the vehicle but there's only one problem:
Once outside - Her boo thang is in the wind!!!!
Asher heads to the local police station and states he has a statement that he would like to make but we all know Bonnie is gonna be looking for him ASAP!
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