Patricia Murray- ROLE MODEL/LEGEND

Patricia Murray's life changed forever in 1990, when her doctor told her she had leukemia. "It was the darkest and toughest time of my life," Patricia says. "I was a single mother with two kids. My youngest daugther was still in high school. I couldnt Believe it".

Patricia fought long and hard. She endured numerous treatments in hopes of a cure, all of which ultimately failed. In early 1997, doctors told her that her only chance for survival would be a marrow of blood stem cell transplant. Because Patricia did not have a matching family member, her physician turned to the National Marrow Donor Program and began searching the Donor Registry for an unrelated, matched donor.

She never gave up, but her hopes dimmed as her searched dragged on - One year, then two, and still no results. All that time, Patricia held on to the hope that someone, somewhere, would come forward to offer her the gift of life. While, Patricia was waiting and praying, Althea Norris Hinton was attending a blood donor drive at her church. Althea was moved by a poster of a little girl who needed a blood stem cell transplant. She signed up to be on the National Marrow Donor Program.

Having no idea she would be a match. Her blood was tested again to see if she was the best possible match. As it turned out, she was perfect match. Even though they didnt know each other, Patricia and Althea were about to become very important to one another.

When they found a donor, Patricia was ecstatic. Althea was given a physical and learned about the donation process. On June 24, 1999, doctors collected marrow from Althea's pelvic bone in a surgical procedure. It took only one day and the NMDP immediatley transported the marrow to Patricia's hospital in Shreveport, LA.

Once the Marrow reached Patricia's Bedside, She was estactic, "When the marrow arrived at the hospital and it was transfused into my body, I watched as it slowly entered into my body. It represented the rest of my life".

Today, Patricia Is living a healthy life. Although Patricia's battle with Lukemia was tough, the experience transformed her. "I value life much more. I Dont take anything for granted"

In the Summer of 2001, Patricia and Althea were each notified that they could learn each others identity, if they both agreed. Speaking first by the phone. they learned that not only did their blood types match but their daughters had been born on the same day.

In February 2002, Patricia and Althea met for the first time at a conference in Washington,DC. It was an emotional meeting for both of them. "She really touched me," exclaims Althea. "I dont know how to explain it until you have saved someons life.

Patricia also adds, "I am living proof that African Americans need to join the registry. My donor Althea saved my life. She gave my kids their mother back."

Today, Patricia and Althea still converse with each other. And Patricia is now a Proud Grandmother to Khloe Monay Murray
That My Friends Is My MOM-- Patricia Murray a ROLE MODEL & A Legend In Her Own Right!


Kayla said...

A touching and inspiring story!

@moeldesigns said...

Lovely story.

Jacque said...

Oh wow, this has me in tears. Thank God she did not give up hope.

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